
What is Marijuana?

  • Marijuana is a psychoactive drug that can be used recreationally or medicinally. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the active component of marijuana. 
  • It has stimulant and hallucinogenic qualities. (See stimulant and hallucinogen blocks).
    • Note: Not all marijuana is acquired the same - purchasing from a dispensary or other official establishment is safer than other sources.

What Can Lead to a Marijuana Overdose?

  • Overuse of marijuana
  • Marijuana is a stimulant. Since stimulants and depressants can mask each other’s effects, one may end up taking in too much stimulant, resulting in a stimulant or depressant overdose.
  • Marijuana can be consumed in edibles. Edibles can take anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours to kick in, thus it can be easy to accidentally consume too much and overdose. Additionally, the effect of edibles is stronger than smoking marijuana.
  • Always keep in mind the THC concentration: too much can lead to overdose.
  • An overdose of marijuana is not likely to result in death, though one can suffer severe impairment or experience changes in behavior that can cause death.

What Are Signs of a Marijuana Overdose?

  • Dizziness and trouble walking
  • Bloodshot eyes
  • Acting silly for no reason
  • Feelings of confusion, nervousness, and distress
  • High blood pressure and heart rate
  • Vomiting and nausea
  • Difficulty with memory and hallucinations

How Can You Help?

  • Call 911 and get medical attention immediately
  • Keep watch over the person, tracking heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, and body temperature 
  • Keep the person awake and conscious until help arrives
  • Keep the person cool (such as with ice or cool compresses)
  • Bring them to a safe place and keep them calm
  • Make sure they don’t drive/bike