It's official: things are returning to a sense of normalcy, vaccines are readily available, and folks are starting to hang out in person if they are comfortable. Some folks are still not comfortable, so be communicative and respectful of others' decisions. Social distancing and wearing masks are still safest and recommended.
If you do decide to host a social gathering in-person, check out our tips and resources below.
We know you're excited, and this is a win for your mental well-being! With that said, our goals here are to:
- Reduce the transmission of germs in party settings
- Remind you about our existing resources for being safe when alcohol is involved
- Provide you with tips to help make sure your good times stay good times
COVID-19 Safe Party Checklist
- Make a plan!
- Let's be real: alcohol can cloud judgment and make you less likely to adhere to COVID safety guidelines. If you make a plan before your party, you're more likely to stick to it after the fun gets started.
- Consider a guest list in case someone gets sick and needs to contact folks. You may also simply ask folks to sign-in when they arrive.
- Host your event outdoors in the fresh air, if possible.
- Consider limiting the number of people in the party space so that folks can socially distance and remain at least 6 feet apart.
- Don't share drinks. We've always said it, but it's more important now than ever!
- It's not the best time for drinking games, but if you do decide to play them, then consider replacing some alcohol with water and/or make sure each drink container is only used by one person to prevent sharing.
- Keep hand sanitizer openly available for guests to use, and let them know where they can find it at the party.
- Have extra masks available for anyone who forgets theirs and would like to wear one. You can buy packs of disposable masks at many drugstores!
In addition to the COVID-19 safety tips, be sure to check out How to be an Upstander, Navigating Sex While Drinking, our BAC Charts and the Signs of Alcohol Poisoning.
Small Gatherings for Vaccinated Folks
Vaccination Info and Resources
- As things are changing, visit the CDC's Vaccination Guidance page for the most up-to-date information on being indoors with folks.
- Remember, if you are hosting a large party you cannot guarantee that everyone is vaccinated. It's best to assume that there are always unvaccinated folks in your space.
- If you are hosting a small gathering, you may be aware that everyone is vaccinated, if that is the case the CDC guidelines include:
- "You can resume activities without wearing a mask or staying 6 feet apart, except where required by ... regulations, including local business and workplace guidance"
- Note: social distancing and wearing masks are still safest and recommended.
- "You should still watch out for symptoms of COVID-19, especially if you’ve been around someone who is sick. If you have symptoms of COVID-19, you should get tested and stay home and away from others"
- "You can resume activities without wearing a mask or staying 6 feet apart, except where required by ... regulations, including local business and workplace guidance"
---> Whether you are vaccinated or not, you have the responsibility to weigh any risks and benefits of hosting and/or attending a party and make a decision that is best for you and/or any guests.
To learn more, the CDC's FAQ can help answer your questions. You can also visit the CDC's Key Things to Know page that covers vaccine safety, cost, common side effects and more.
For information specific to UC Davis, please visit the Campus Ready site.