Are You Ready to Party?

Before the party:

  • Eat a full meal and drink water.
  • Decide how much you want to drink and set yourself a limit. 
  • Make a plan for a safe ride home.
  • Consider bringing your own drink to the party (perhaps in a re-usable bottle) to avoid pressures of drinking more; you can politely say you already have a drink.
  • Charge your phone and consider sharing your location with your trusted friends. 

At the party:

  • Pace yourself and alternate drinks with water. 
  • Stick with one type of alcohol if possible
  • Avoid drinking from large containers of mixed drinks; it's hard to gauge how much you've had or what's in the drink.  
  • Keep an eye on your friends... and your drink; if possible, open pre-sealed drinks yourself.
  • Always respect someone's choice not to drink.

After the party:

  • Ensure you have safe transportation home.
  • Leave with the friends you came with.
  • Drink water to help replenish your body.

Not drinking?

  • Great! About 30% of UC Davis students choose not to drink.
  • Bring your own non-alcoholic drink in a water bottle to the party, or fill up a red cup with something non-alcoholic. Nobody needs to know you're not drinking alcohol.
  • Check out our Upstander page for being a great sober buddy.